Welcome New Year 7 Students 2024


Congratulations on securing a place at Bishop Justus Church of England School.

Here you can find some information about our school.

Start date for new Year 7 students - Thursday 29th August at 08:30

Compass Secondary School Transition Booklet


Bishop Justus School Uniform September 2024

School Uniform can be purchased from; 

  • Graduates Schoolwear, 201 High Street, Orpington, BR6 0PF Tel: 01689 821439 

Trousers and skirts can also be purchased at the following stores; 

  • Marks and Spencer 
  • Matalan 
  • Next 
  • Sainsburys

Friends of Bishop Justus

Who are Friends? How to contribute to the School Fund

Dear Bishop Justus Parent,

We are really looking forward to working with you whilst your child is studying at Bishop Justus. We will ensure that transition into secondary school is as smooth as possible. Where possible we will do the following: visit primary schools to meet students and class teachers, invite students in for a morning if they are the only students attending from their primary schools, arrange an evening to meet their form group and students attend a taster day in July.  We also run the Aquinas Summer Project for a week in August. I am sure that your child is excited by the new opportunities that they are about to embark on and ready for the new challenges ahead of them. Staff here at Bishop Justus are ready to support and develop your child through faith, love and learning.

Ms Hamilton - Learning Director For KS3


A Welcome Message from our Head Students


We are the Head Students here at Bishop Justus and we are thrilled to extend a warm greeting to you all as you embark on your secondary school journey.

Starting secondary school is a significant milestone in your life so far, and while it may seem daunting, it is an exciting and rewarding step. This year holds many opportunities for growth, learning and making new friends. Regardless of how nervous you may feel, all your teachers are very supportive and encouraging, always there to lend a helping hand when you need.

Everyone around you is in the same situation and there are many chances throughout the year to meet new people. One of the most exciting aspects of secondary school is the wide range of clubs and subjects that allow you to explore your interests and maybe discover something new. They are also great fun! Through joining Bishop Justus, you are entering a welcoming community that will support you and prepare you well for the future.

In closing, we would like to express our excitement for your next steps and sincerely hope that the coming years at our school will be filled with unforgettable experiences and that you enjoy your time here!

Ezekiel Wekpe and Beatriz Stroud

Useful Links

Term Dates

Latest NewsletterCo-Curricular Activities


Chaplaincy and Worship at Bishop Justus


Our Chaplaincy department looks after our worship and the Christian life of this Church of England school. It is led by Mr Kings, who is a teacher here as well as our Lay Chaplain. 

Daily worship is an important part of school life at Bishop Justus, it is a time when our school family can come together and celebrate life in all its fullness. 

Worship takes place every morning, mainly in tutor groups and focuses on our six Christian school virtues: faith, love, wisdom, hope, courage and kindness. We take this time not only to pray and worship, but also to discuss the big issues which are happening in the world around us and to share different opinions. Our worship also provides opportunities for stillness, as well as creative activities. Lee Kings

There is also the chance for students to become involved in the student leadership of worship and in doing so, develop their own leadership skills. 

We are blessed to have our own school chapel which is a sacred space used for small group worship, prayer and also lunchtime activities. 

We look forward to you joining our school family and worshipping together.

Mr. Kings - Lay Chaplain


The Bishop Justus Family Prayer Group

Chapel cross2

We very much view our school community as a family and parents and carers of our students are part of this family. We are also a Christian worshipping community and as part of his ethos, parents and carers of all our students are invited to attend a fortnightly prayer meeting on Zoom. These are very informal prayer meetings led by me, with a brief introductory reflection on a Christian message and then the meeting is open for prayer. There is no requirement to pray out loud, you can simply be present, or if you wish say a prayer and during the 30 minutes or so that the meeting lasts, everyone is welcome to join and leave as they wish. Email invitations are sent to parents and carers a few days before each meeting. This has been such a powerful and supportive aspect of our school family life and as parents and carers of our new year 7 students, you are very welcome to join us in September. 

Meanwhile, may I leave you with our Bishop Justus school prayer, which is based on our six Christian virtues: faith, kindness, courage, wisdom, hope and love: 

God of all, increase our FAITH.
Help us to extend KINDNESS,
value WISDOM,
be filled with HOPE:
and above all LOVE as we are loved.
(Grant us: Success through faith, love and learning.)

Mr Kings 

Lay Chaplain

Life at Bishop Justus

Aquinas Summer Project

All students who have secured a place at Bishop Justus are invited to attend our Aquinas Summer Project where they can get acquainted with some of the staff and the school building. Students take part in a range of fun activities and it is a great opportunity to make friends before you attend the school officially. Our annual Aquinas Summer Project will be held this year for one week starting on Monday 5th August 2024. 

IMG 0611   IMG 0596   IMG 0618


St. Justus DayJustus Day 1

St. Justus Day, 10th November, is a day of celebration at Bishop Justus. All students gather together to celebrate the achievements of their peers and watch a ceremony of music, speeches and prize giving. 


Freshers Fair

Garden clubThe Bishop Justus Freshers’ Fair is an annual fixture in our calendar for our neBook clubw year 7 students to have a close look at all the clubs and societies that are on offer here. We are proud of the great range that we offer, from Cooking Club and Textiles to Writers’ Workshop and Debating; from Music Tech and Italian Clubs to Garden Club and Young Entrepreneurs, plus the huge range of bands and choirs and sport clubs, Football, Cricket, Netball, Rugby… the list goes on and on. Our colleagues and senior students look forward to sharing their co-curricular passions with year 7, who in time will themselves take on leadership roles in our clubs and societies, preparing them to contribute at university, and to clubs in the wider community. Our commitment to our co-curricular programme at Bishop Justus is a sign that we see it as a crucial part of a full and rounded education.


Missed out on a Place?

Advice and Guidance on the Offer Process

Please click the link below for Advice and Guidance paperwork sent from the borough regarding the offer process, including waiting lists.

Next Steps Guide


Pillar candles with motto

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