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- Chaplaincy
Bishop Justus is a Church of England School and we think of our community as a worshipping school family; a school family which includes the families of our students, our local community and the Church. The Chaplaincy in Bishop Justus seeks to make Christ present in our school through worship, pastoral care and our wider connections with church and community. Playing a key role in the life of the school, the Chaplaincy is led by Reverend Shavaun Shodeinde, our Chaplain. She supports the spiritual welfare of students and staff and prepares daily worship for the whole school community.
School worship provides the focus for the school community’s Christian beliefs and virtues. At Bishop Justus we have worship for 20 minutes every morning. Worship is inclusive, structured and vibrant. It enhances the spiritual, moral, emotional, intellectual and social life of the school and our students are actively encouraged to lead and plan worship. It is very important to us that our school day begins with worship. This happens in individual tutor groups and once a week, each year group meets for collective worship in the school hall. Each day's worship has a Bible reading, a topic to discuss and a prayer, led by tutors, senior members of staff and students. This is a real opportunity for students to discuss various issues as well as the big questions in life. We also have regular Eucharist services, where students are welcome to receive Holy Communion, or a blessing. Our school is in the parish of Holy Trinity Church, Bromley Common, and early in the Autumn term, all year 7 students will visit the church for a special welcome service. We also have Year 7 and Year 8 carol services in the church towards the end of the Advent Term.
We are blessed to have our very own school chapel. Located on the first floor overlooking the s chool entrance, this is a very special and sacred space where students are welcome to spend quiet time praying or being still, as well as joining in a lunchtime club. The spiritual well-being of students is important to us as part of the school’s commitment to whole person care and Reverend Shavaun is available to meet with and support students through life’s most difficult challenges, as well as celebrating and giving thanks to God for the many joys life gives us.
Through our Bishop Justus Faith in Action programme, we are also proud to support various charities in our local community, nationally and overseas.
Our work in the chaplaincy is centred around our six school virtues: faith, hope, love, wisdom, courage and kindness, all helping us to live out our school motto: Success through faith, love and learning.
Worship themes for 2023-2024:
Worship Theme | Key Events Celebrated in Worship | |
Term 1 |
Harvest The Virtue of Faith |
Term 2 |
Advent The Virtue of Hope |
Term 3 |
Epiphany The Virtue of Love |
Term 4 |
Lent The Virtue of Kindness |
Term 5 |
Pentecost The Virtue of Courage |
Term 6 |
Trinity The Virtue of Wisdom |
I am delighted to share with you our SIAMS Inspection report. The inspection judged Bishop Justus to be Outstanding in every respect .
This is an excellent outcome for the whole school community. The judgements reflect the hard work by students, parents/carers, teachers and AAC members.
I would like to thank all of you for your constant support over the years, together we have built something very special, something to be rightly proud of.
I do hope you enjoy reading such an outstanding report, a report that captures the true ethos of Bishop Justus Church of England School.
As we prepare for our next inspection under the new SIAMS framework, I anticipate a similarly glowing outcome.
Samantha Thompson - Headteacher